Please have your trash curbside by 6:00 AM, Thank you!
Cans (max. size 45 gallons) or bags of household garbage, may not weigh more than 50 pounds each. Place at curb prior to 6:00 AM (new time) on your regular collection day and no earlier than 7 PM the night before. Do not use cardboard boxes to contain refuse.
The Town of Hempstead Sanitation Department's Homeowner Disposal Area located at 1600 Merrick Road, Merrick is open Monday through Sunday between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM, except Town of Hempstead observed holidays.
All residents will be asked to provide proof of residency, such as a driver's license or a tax bill. Materials must be brought in
The Town of Hempstead Sanitation Department's Homeowner Disposal Area located at 1600 Merrick Road, Merrick is open Monday through Sunday between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM, except Town of Hempstead observed holidays.
All residents will be asked to provide proof of residency, such as a driver's license or a tax bill. Materials must be brought in non-commercial vehicles. All vehicles towing trailers of any size will be required to pay commercial disposal rates. Vans without back seats and pick-up trucks without caps are prohibited. Waste acceptable for disposal includes appliances, batteries, metal, tires, furniture, dried-out latex paint (See S.T.O.P Program for oil-based paints), recyclables, nonburnable items and other homeowner refuse. No medical waste or hazardous waste allowed.
See Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (S.T.O.P) Program at Town of Hempstead's website.
For Schedule and drop-off areas, click on the below link or call 516-378-4210, prompt #6.
Residents of Sanitary District 7 must call the office at 516-766-8700 to schedule a special pick-up
for all TV's, Computers and other electronics.
Batteries may be brought here to Sanitary District 7 at 90 Mott St. Oceanside NY 11572 for recycling.
Automobile parts including vehicle frame parts, crankcases, transmissions, engines (drained), etc. will be accepted at Town of Hempstead Sanitation located at 1600 Merrick Road, Merrick, NY.
These items may be delivered to the Sanitation Building, 90 Mott Street, Oceanside NY (limit of five gallons of Motor oil per visit). Please take tire off rim. These items will be collected at the curb. Per New York State law, waste motor oil may be brought to your local service station. Car batteries can be returned to a retail store which sells them.
Each bag may not weigh more than 75 pounds each. Please do not rake leaves into the street. Tree stumps, logs and branches are to be tied together in a bundle approximately 2' x 2' x 4' in length and may not weigh more than 75 pounds. Please place at the curb.
Oceanside Sanitary District 7 does not accept propane tanks; they should be brought back to the place of purchase. Please take the following precautions when transporting all tanks:
Sharps (needles, syringes & lancets) cannot be disposed of in regular garbage pickup. Information regarding the safe disposal of sharps can be found at the NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Information about the safe disposal of unused medicines a can be found at the U. S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION and/or using the DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION'S CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE PUBLIC DISPOSAL search tool.